Worship Services
“Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places”
People experience God's presence in different styles of worship. The message is the same - God's unconditional love for all creation through Jesus Christ--but the way that message is presented can and does change. At St. John's we have three weekly worship services in different styles that are relevant, meaningful, and give God thanks and praise.
Our Sunday services vary in style, but share some key elements. Most importantly, we share in one purpose: to glorify God and receive what we need to engage God in daily life. We also share the same relevant and Biblically-based sermon and the same general pattern: Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. In both services, we lift our voices in song, we hear God's Word proclaimed, we reach out to our youngest brothers and sisters with a Children's Message, and we have the opportunity to receive God's blessing through the Lord's Supper.
Each Wednesday, we offer a service of Word and Prayer at 12:15pm. Our format varies by the week and always includes prayers, Scripture, and song.
The Traditional Worship Service is held at 11 am on Sundays in our Sanctuary. The service incorporates time-honored liturgical practices including Confession and Forgiveness, the Kyrie and Gloria, and a beautifully-chanted Eucharistic liturgy.
Hymns for this service come from various Lutheran hymnals. Our Chancel Choir offers their praise to God weekly with inspiring pieces of classical music.
We celebrate the sacrament of Communion on every Sunday. Lutherans believe that God welcomes all baptized Christians to his table. Those who come forward kneel or stand at the communion rail. The pastor places bread in their hands and then they may drink either a glass of wine or white grape juice from the tray or from the common cup of wine. Children and adults who do not receive Communion are invited forward for a blessing.
The Contemporary Worship Service meets at 9 am on Sundays in our Parish Life Center (PLC). The service has a relaxed feel. It includes time to greet one another, readings from the Bible, and often a video element to enhance our experience of God's presence. Bulletins are available, but everything worshipers need to participate is projected onto screens on either side of the worship space.
Many of the songs our Praise Band leads come from contemporary Christian radio. Some are new interpretations of well-loved hymns. All worshipers are invited to sing along and make a joyful noise to our Creator.
Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at this service. All baptized Christians are welcome to come and receive Christ's body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine. Each worshiper receives a wafer, which may be dipped into the chalice of wine. Children and adults who do not receive Communion are invited forward for a blessing.