“Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, your heart will be also.”
Online Giving
Access the Vanco eGiving Portal or use the online interface below.
Use the Vanco Mobile app with your smart device:
Other Ways to Give
Through the Offering Plate
Checks and cash can be placed in the offering plate during any worship service. If you are not able to attend worship, you can mail your check to the church office at:
St. John's Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 2701
Spartanburg, SC 29302
Envelope booklets can be requested by calling the church office (864) 583-8167.
Designated Bank Bill Pay
You can authorize any amount to be mailed to St. John's through online bill pay on your financial institution's website. This can be set up as recurring or as authorized.
Electronic Funds Transfer
St. John's is enrolled in the Simply Giving Program administered by Vanco Services. This is a secure electronic transfer of a recurring authorized payment from one financial institution to another financial institution. Any contribution amount you authorize can be transferred to St. John's on the 1st or 15th of the month.
This requires the completion of a simple authorization form.
Print out, complete, and return the form to the church parish administrator.
Gifts of Stock
Stock can be transferred to the church brokerage account . Please call the church office for our brokerage information.